Vacant Possession ( VP )什么来的?
对买房子的朋友以上的词汇您可能不陌生,也有些朋友把它称为 Key Handover (交钥匙)。 这个就是等于您的房子建好了可以入住了。但是购买房子的朋友,特别是购买“先售后建”的发展项目,为了保证购买者的利益,根据 Housing Development ( Control and Licensing ) Regulation 1989 的条款,如果您购买的是有地房产 (Landed Development)。 法令指名了买卖合约里名列Schedule G(Landed Development)的付款阶段。
Schedule G的付款细节如下:
1)Immediately upon the signing of this Agreement : 10 %
2) Within twenty-one ( 21 ) working days after receipt by the Purchaser of the Vendor’s written notice of the completion of –
2a) the foundation of the said Building ~10 %
2b) the structural framework of the said Building ~ 15 %
2c) the walls of the said Building with door and window frames places in position ~ 10 %
2d) the roofing , electrical wiring, plumbing ( without fittings ), gas piping ( if any ) and internal telephone trunking and cabling to the said Building ~ 10 %
2e) the internal and external finishes of the said Building including the wall finishes ~ 10 %
2f) the sewerage works serving the said Building ~ 5%
2g) the drains serving works serving the said Building 5%
2h) the road serving the said Building ~ 5%
3) On the date the Purchaser takes vacant possession of the said Building with water and electricity supply ready for connection ~ 12.5 % 4) On the date the Purchaser takes vacant possession of the said Building as in time 3 as follows : ~ 2.5 %
4a) where separate document of title to the said Lot has been issued and the *Proprietor/Vendor has executed and delivered to the Purchaser or Purchaser’s solicitors a valid and registrable Memorandum of Transfer of the said Property in favour of the Purchaser together with the original issue document of title to the said Lot, to be paid direct to the Vendor; or
4b) where separate document of title to the said Lot has not yet been issued, to he held by the Vendor’s solicitors as stake-holder for payment to he Vendor within twenty-one ( 21 ) working days after receipt by the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s solicitors of the original issue document of title to the said Lot together with a valid and registrable Memorandum of Transfer of the said Property in favour of the Purchaser executed by the *Proprietor / Vendor
5) On the date the Purchaser take vacant possession of the said Building as in item 3 and to be held by the Vendor’s solicitors as stakeholder for payment to the Vendor as follow : ~ 5 %
5a) Two point five per centum ( 2.5 % ) at the expiry of eight ( 8 ) months after the date the Purchaser takes vacant possession of the said Building; and
5b) two point five per centum ( 2.5 % ) at the expiry of twenty-four ( 24 ) months after the date the Purchaser takes vacant possession of the said Building.
所以发展商必需在完成了每一阶段后( 获得建筑师签署证明)才可以向买房者索取款项,如此类推直到这个建筑工作完成后,就可以以第23条条款所指名的建筑期(24个月)后把房子交给买房者。 Vacant Possession of the said building shall be delivered to the Purchaser in the manner stipulated in Clause 24 herein within 24 calender months from the date of this Agreement. 如果发展商无法在有效期限完成交房的任务,那发展商就必需赔偿买房者 10 %的房价Late Delivery Penalty, 计算方式是以日计算的 ~
条款如下: Clause 23(2) – if the vendor fails to deliver vacant possession of the said building in manner stipulated in clause 24 herein within the time stipulated in subclause (1), the vendor shall be liable to pay to the purchaser liquidated damages calculated from day to day at the rate of 10 % per annum of the purchase price from the expiry date of the delivery of vacant possession in subclause(1) until the date the purchaser take vacant possession of the said building, such liquidated damages shall be paid by the Vendor to the purchaser immediately upon the date the purchaser takes vacant possession to the said building .
如何向发展商索取您的权利可以阅读这个发表:《主题:Trinunal Tuntutan Pembeli Rumah 什么来的? 》阅读连接 或是
成功交房后您面对Quality Issue,也可以发展商追讨缺陷责任(Defect Liability),法律已经规定了透过律师来保存 5% 房子的购买价为缺陷责任(Defect Liability),直到责任期结束才给发展商。缺陷责任期 (defect & liability period) 是移交后的 24个月 。 最后,
如果您也喜欢产业投资,欢迎您一起交流。 感恩, 每位有缘阅读的贵人。。因您珍贵的回应。将会给与我更大的精神鼓励。。我不是最好的作者。。
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如果您希望在房产投资建立您的未来,我欢迎您分享与执行您的想法。 * 当然我的发表不能完全当标准,所以还是那句话:“大家同台吃饭,各自修行,投资亏盈,自行负责。”